Saturday 16 February 2008

Contented Little Baby

We've started trying to follow Gina Ford's Contented Little Baby routine from today. Ellie pretty much put herself into a four hourly routine quite a few weeks ago and so following this method will be quite easy for her.

She seems to be settling into it well, although obviously it's early days so far! She has had a cold and cough for the past few days and so was feeling a bit miserable but seems to have perked up a bit today. Daddy got to see her smile for the first time today! She'd given me a few at the beginning of the week but then got her cold and so didn't want to smile anymore :(

Ellie is managing to settle herself back to sleep when she wakes up mid nap/sleep which is very good news indeed - she might grizzle for a while but once we give her the dummy she is content to fall back asleep on her own. Sometimes we have to do this more than once but it's teaching her good habits for the future. She still gets lots of cuddles though!

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