Thursday 21 February 2008

6 weeks old today

Hello. Today was quite a good day all told. Ellie is six weeks old and behaved pretty well despite a night full of crying and general disobedience. Smee and I went to the solicitors to sign our contracts, which we did, but came away with a few questions to dwell on regarding the contract to buy the 2 acres. I'm sure it'll all be fine but we've been told to sleep on it by the solicitor, which we will.

We got the quote in from the electrician, 400 quid over budget! Looks like we're going to have to readdress the way we do our spend when renovating the house. We think we may well have to spend what we have to on essentials like the roof, heating, windows, damp proofing, bathroom and electrician and then see whats left. Tony Fox, our builder can then get what's left and do the jobs in order of priority until we have spent our lot! This way we'll not overstretch ourselves and should end up with somewhere livablinable.

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