Thursday 11 September 2008

Wow, it's been a while!

I can't believe we've not updated this blog for over 2 months! Well, I can actually due to the fact that we've only just had our internet connected at the new house. The less said about that, the better...

I think, for now, I'll just give a bullet point summary of the last couple of months, or else I'll be here all day!

  • First of all, we've moved in - hurrah! We moved in at the end of July and although it's not finished, it's nice to be in the new house at last
  • We sold our old house - hurrah again! Sold beginning of August, so that wasn't too bad.
  • Ellie had her Christening here at the new house, on a nice sunny day, which was unexpected as we'd had awful weather the week before, and it was pretty awful just after too. The pig roast went down well and lots of us had fun the evening before making the animals for Ellie's cake!
  • My sister had her baby, a little boy called Charlie. None of us are quite sure what to do with a boy - we've had nothing but girls in our families! He's a little cutie though, and Isabel and Sophia love him to bits
  • We had our first family holiday last week - camping for a week in Cornwall with Stu, Lorraine and Lily. It was a reasonable success in that Ellie enjoyed it, and she slept really well. The weather was pretty diabolical though and so Jono and I didn't sleep that well as we were terrified of the tent blowing away in the night! Ellie's eczema on her cheeks pretty much disappeared whilst we were away too, but came back with a vengeance when we got home, so I think she might be allergic to Figaro. I am too so it isn't too much of a surprise!
Right, I think that might be about it for major news. Next post I'll put a load of piccies up...