Monday 7 July 2008

Ellie's Milestones

Ellie has had a bit of a funny couple of weeks. We've been trying to get as much done at the house as possible so we've dropped her off at my mum's quite a few week nights and weekend days. This has meant we can get quite a bit done up there and pick her up on the way home. Hopefully she doesn't miss us too much - it's not for too much longer!
Last Saturday Ellie tried solids for the first time - some nice organic baby rice. She quite enjoyed it and she must have been ready for it for some time. The last month she had been waking up at around 5am, having slept through previously. Since she's been started weaning, she hasn't woken during the night at all!
During the past week she has tried lots of nice new flavours including;
  • blueberry and banana (yummy but makes for interesting nappies!!)
  • pear and pineapple (a definite hit!)
  • parsnip, apple and pea
  • butternut squash (another great hit - it's nice and easy to cook and freeze but it's a bugger to get out of clothes afterwards!)
  • baby rice with banana (makes a nice breakfast)
Today Ellie had breakfast, lunch and tea, and still had quite a bit of milk too! She's turning into a right fat pie!

We also had some nice news early this morning - Ellie now has a new cousin, Charlie, who was born after an incredibly fast labour on my sister's part. He is so small and lovely! It's hard to believe that Ellie was ever that small...actually she never was, Charlie was 3oz lighter than Ellie!

Now for some photos!

"What do you mean I have something around my mouth?"

"More, Mummy, more!!"

Ellie finding her first ever meal highly amusing!

Ellie in her favourite new toy - her jumperoo!
She has spent the last couple of days continuously blowing raspberries - after having forgotten she could do them for ages! Trouble is, she's soaking by the end of the day!

Lots of news!

Well, after the disappointing weekend we had back in June where our buyers pulled out of the sale, the weekend after we had another offer and this time it is all going smoothly! Hurrah! Of course it isn't over until we've signed the contracts, but still...
The house is coming along fairly nicely. Jono and I have finished tiling the kitchen floor and are now working our way into the porch. Our friend Neil is doing the woodwork (fitting the internal doors, skirting and architrave), which a whole bunch of us spent last weekend staining in preparation. Upstairs is now completely painted (except for the cutting in, which I'll hopefully get done next weekend) and the kitchen is also completely painted. Jono and I had a landmark day on Saturday - we built and fitted the utility cabinet and worktop! It made such a difference to actually have somewhere to put things on, instead of the floor!
The outside of the house (gable end and front left) is being rendered and the front room has had its first coat of undercoat too. Now the only room that hasn't had any paint at all yet is the dining room. We can't paint in there yet because the kitchen is still all in boxes in there and also we have a bit of a water ingress problem above the french doors. Hopefully Tony will get that fixed this week.
Things that we need to get done very soon are; the ground dug for a concrete slab out the back (for Jono's new huge spangly shed) and the soakaway dug, and the driveway scraped and levelled. Oh, and the kitchen units need building of course! And the bathroom wall tiles, and the floor tiles grouted...and the carpets fitted...and the phone connected! We need to be moved in 2 weeks!!
Here's where I should be putting in lots of photos to show our progress but we have been so busy we've had no time to take any! We do have one from Saturday night though, taken on Jono's mobile. We didn't choose a spotty unit for the utility - it's the plastic cover!