Tuesday 16 December 2008

December Update

Well, as usual, we've been terribly busy and haven't managed to get on here and do any updates recently!

First of all, how's Ellie doing? Well, she's doing grand as it happens. She's on the move in a major way, to the point where no plant or paper product is safe anymore (she adores eating magazines and paper!). She isn't quite walking yet but she won't be long I don't think. She's just started cruising around the furniture and crawls after Figaro, much to his disgust!

We have recently had to switch back to two part nappies (nappy with a waterproof wrap over the top) as Ellie seems to have such an enormous bladder that her pocket nappies were having to be changed every hour or two. These new ones are so much more absorbent and fluffy!

Food-wise, Ellie will eat pretty much anything we give her. She has a particular penchant for chile con carne (obviously her father's daughter!), beef stew/steak pie and cheese sandwiches. She isn't terribly keen on sweet stuff, except for her yogurts and fruit, which I'm perfectly happy about. She did, however, take a liking to my bacon flavoured Wheat Crunchies the other day!

Here's a pic or two of Ellie recently:

Ellie looking very cheeky (above) and with all her cousins (right): Isabel, Sophia and Charlie

We had our 20 week scan today, for Bean 2, and everything was fine. He/she was quite a bit smaller than Ellie was at the same stage but I suppose that's to be expected, as I haven't been well since the start of this pregnancy and still haven't put any weight on. Hopefully I'll start to put some on soon!

Here are the two pics we got today. They're not very good really, and the one we got of Bean's face looks more like a skeleton than a baby!

Friday 21 November 2008

It's been a while...

Well, here we are for a major update. It has been a long time since I last did one and a lot of water has flowed under the bridge.

Ellie has of course been growing up fast. Her latest exploit, today in fact, was to stand up on her own, using the coffee table as support, and then to start clapping her hands, hence balancing on her own. She’s so much happier to be able to get around a bit more now that she can crawl and sit and roll. The last few weeks have been a bit frustrating for us all with Ellie’s whining and moaning because she couldn’t get anywhere but wanted to explore. Her swimming classes have been getting better with more and more adventure and underwater action occurring. I’ll try and upload some videos that I took on my phone of the instructor chucking her in to the pool.

The house has come along quite a bit over the summer. There are still some gaping holes (quite literally) in the infrastructure but we are making progress with getting them sorted. Highlights include the christening of the shed that didn’t have the best start in life due to high winds when being built. I got a call from our ‘neighbour to be’ whilst on the M5 to say that the shed was trying to attack his tractor.

To cut a long story short I managed to get her back into shape and am now the proud owner of a solar powered lighting shed, 4m x 3m.

The loft is getting some insulation soon too. I went for a deal from B&Q, £200 all in regardless of size of house. We already six insulation rolls in the loft, left over from building the house and stud walls, but seeing as the main insulation job is being done for a fixed price they were better off with the other neighbour than in our loft so we sold them for £50.

We’ve steadily been crossing jobs off the list on the fridge but there are plenty more to do still. Sam’s latest was to sand down and oil the wooden worktop. My latest was to add the last of the door stops and make a wooden threshold between the kitchen and the dining room.

We commissioned our driveway having decided we’ll have enough money in a month or so. I had a largeish sale at work and should get enough commission to pay for the work. Again, our neighbour will doing the work which involves chopping down some hedge and removing stumps, levelling and making a nice rounded driveway area, creating two land drains and gulleys, making a soakaway, destroying the shed, moving a load of top soil and finally adding 48 tonnes of MOT to the driveway to make it nice and smooth. We can’t wait for this to be done as getting from the parked cars to the house is a major drama right now. We currently have to negotiate rubble, breeze blocks, bricks and mud. Not good with a pregnant wife and a young child!!

Work for me has been hard recently but a flurry of activity has seen a few hundred grands worth of sales and the same expected before Christmas. The credit crunch is biting but life goes on for some industries so I’ll focus on those and hope to ride out the tougher times. Here’s hoping I hit target and can hold my head high at work.

Well, there’s plenty more to say but it can’t all be said at once. Perhaps I’ll try and update more regularly and cover some other subjects. That said, this is a Cantlop Grove and Ellie blog and I’ve said quite a bit on those subjects.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Scan Pics

Breaking News!

Ellie has a little brother or sister on the way!

We had our 12 week scan today and everything seemed to be fine. There was only one baby (phew!!) and it appeared to have two arms and two legs as well as a head, so that's ok too. It was the world's fastest scan though, Jono and I felt a bit cheated really - Ellie's 12 week scan we were in there for about 45 mins, rather than the 5 mins maximum today.

I'll put the scan photos up once Jono's managed to work out how to make the PC upstairs share with my laptop -it doesn't want to play with mine anymore :-(

Official due date is 4th May, so I'm expecting something more along the lines of 10th - 13th May, as my family are always late with their babies!

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Another belated update!!

Well once again I've not had much time to update here - I've also not been able to physically access our blog for some strange IT related reason (I think our ISP is blocking access but I can't prove it!).

Anyway, what have we been up to?

Well Ellie is still showing absolutely no signs whatsoever of wanting to either crawl or walk - which is just fine with me! The longer I can still leave her in the same place knowing she can't get into mischief, the better!

She's had quite a few interrupted nights of late, I think a combination of teeth and getting stuck is the problem (she spins around and gets wedged!). Hopefully this will be resolved soon. There's not really a lot we can do to resolve it ourselves.

House-wise we're coming along. Jono was doing a grand job of building the new shed which is to house the contents of our previous shed and garage. Some friends came and helped with building the concrete slab that we needed and Jono and Tommy began the actual shed construction.
Things were shaping up nicely until the day the wind picked up and hurled the whole thing into the oil tank! Poor shed, it looked very sorry for itself! It didn't look as though it would be salvageable but Jono got to work on it and it's looking much perkier now.

Here are some before, after, and further after photos:

Last weekend Jono managed to get the wardrobe up in Ellie's bedroom (some shelves and a rail running the width of the alcove). Soon I'll get round to making a box pelmet for the alcove and then we'll be able to get the curtains up across it. Her room will start to really take shape properly then.

Next on the list is to get the house draught proof and insulated. I think we're going to end up getting the loft insulation done by someone - it'll be much cheaper in the long run. Jono discovered we have rather a lot of mice in the attic - I'm not sure what we're going to do about them! We also need to get the guttering sorted - there's only half of it up at the moment!

The window people are coming tomorrow to hopefully start on the long list of window problems, the main ones being that none of the windows are draught proof, and a couple aren't water tight either!

I can't get access from my laptop to the computer upstairs and so a lot of the photos from the past few months will have to wait for a while. In the meantime, here are some from Ellie's christening...

The animals were made by several of us the night before the christening. As it was the first time for most of us, I think we did pretty well! The theme was Noah's Ark, just in case you hadn't guessed!!

Animal Credits:

Mr & Mrs Elephant - Katie
Mr & Mrs Zebra - Ben
Mr & Mrs Croc - Helen
Mr & Mrs Tiger - Meg
Mr & Mrs Tortoise - Ken
Mr & Mrs Lion - Me!

Once I've got access to upstairs again I'll post some pics of our holiday to Cornwall...

Thursday 11 September 2008

Wow, it's been a while!

I can't believe we've not updated this blog for over 2 months! Well, I can actually due to the fact that we've only just had our internet connected at the new house. The less said about that, the better...

I think, for now, I'll just give a bullet point summary of the last couple of months, or else I'll be here all day!

  • First of all, we've moved in - hurrah! We moved in at the end of July and although it's not finished, it's nice to be in the new house at last
  • We sold our old house - hurrah again! Sold beginning of August, so that wasn't too bad.
  • Ellie had her Christening here at the new house, on a nice sunny day, which was unexpected as we'd had awful weather the week before, and it was pretty awful just after too. The pig roast went down well and lots of us had fun the evening before making the animals for Ellie's cake!
  • My sister had her baby, a little boy called Charlie. None of us are quite sure what to do with a boy - we've had nothing but girls in our families! He's a little cutie though, and Isabel and Sophia love him to bits
  • We had our first family holiday last week - camping for a week in Cornwall with Stu, Lorraine and Lily. It was a reasonable success in that Ellie enjoyed it, and she slept really well. The weather was pretty diabolical though and so Jono and I didn't sleep that well as we were terrified of the tent blowing away in the night! Ellie's eczema on her cheeks pretty much disappeared whilst we were away too, but came back with a vengeance when we got home, so I think she might be allergic to Figaro. I am too so it isn't too much of a surprise!
Right, I think that might be about it for major news. Next post I'll put a load of piccies up...

Monday 7 July 2008

Ellie's Milestones

Ellie has had a bit of a funny couple of weeks. We've been trying to get as much done at the house as possible so we've dropped her off at my mum's quite a few week nights and weekend days. This has meant we can get quite a bit done up there and pick her up on the way home. Hopefully she doesn't miss us too much - it's not for too much longer!
Last Saturday Ellie tried solids for the first time - some nice organic baby rice. She quite enjoyed it and she must have been ready for it for some time. The last month she had been waking up at around 5am, having slept through previously. Since she's been started weaning, she hasn't woken during the night at all!
During the past week she has tried lots of nice new flavours including;
  • blueberry and banana (yummy but makes for interesting nappies!!)
  • pear and pineapple (a definite hit!)
  • parsnip, apple and pea
  • butternut squash (another great hit - it's nice and easy to cook and freeze but it's a bugger to get out of clothes afterwards!)
  • baby rice with banana (makes a nice breakfast)
Today Ellie had breakfast, lunch and tea, and still had quite a bit of milk too! She's turning into a right fat pie!

We also had some nice news early this morning - Ellie now has a new cousin, Charlie, who was born after an incredibly fast labour on my sister's part. He is so small and lovely! It's hard to believe that Ellie was ever that small...actually she never was, Charlie was 3oz lighter than Ellie!

Now for some photos!

"What do you mean I have something around my mouth?"

"More, Mummy, more!!"

Ellie finding her first ever meal highly amusing!

Ellie in her favourite new toy - her jumperoo!
She has spent the last couple of days continuously blowing raspberries - after having forgotten she could do them for ages! Trouble is, she's soaking by the end of the day!

Lots of news!

Well, after the disappointing weekend we had back in June where our buyers pulled out of the sale, the weekend after we had another offer and this time it is all going smoothly! Hurrah! Of course it isn't over until we've signed the contracts, but still...
The house is coming along fairly nicely. Jono and I have finished tiling the kitchen floor and are now working our way into the porch. Our friend Neil is doing the woodwork (fitting the internal doors, skirting and architrave), which a whole bunch of us spent last weekend staining in preparation. Upstairs is now completely painted (except for the cutting in, which I'll hopefully get done next weekend) and the kitchen is also completely painted. Jono and I had a landmark day on Saturday - we built and fitted the utility cabinet and worktop! It made such a difference to actually have somewhere to put things on, instead of the floor!
The outside of the house (gable end and front left) is being rendered and the front room has had its first coat of undercoat too. Now the only room that hasn't had any paint at all yet is the dining room. We can't paint in there yet because the kitchen is still all in boxes in there and also we have a bit of a water ingress problem above the french doors. Hopefully Tony will get that fixed this week.
Things that we need to get done very soon are; the ground dug for a concrete slab out the back (for Jono's new huge spangly shed) and the soakaway dug, and the driveway scraped and levelled. Oh, and the kitchen units need building of course! And the bathroom wall tiles, and the floor tiles grouted...and the carpets fitted...and the phone connected! We need to be moved in 2 weeks!!
Here's where I should be putting in lots of photos to show our progress but we have been so busy we've had no time to take any! We do have one from Saturday night though, taken on Jono's mobile. We didn't choose a spotty unit for the utility - it's the plastic cover!

Sunday 22 June 2008


Well, after the wonderful weekend last week - where we accepted an offer on the house - we had a bit of a miserable one this weekend as our buyers pulled out because they were £11K short on what they could borrow. It seems to me that perhaps they should have worked out how much they could borrow before they went making offers on any houses...So, very disappointing to say the least. Now it looks like we'll definitely have to rent this place out until the market picks up again. We'll leave it up for sale for another couple of weeks just on the offchance that someone will buy it quickly but then we'll have to get it rented.

The good news though is that Ellie's christening has been arranged for August 3rd, at the very teeny tiny church just down the road from the new house. It's on the private Pitchford Estate but the church is open to the public and it just so happens that the once a month service there falls on the date that we wanted to get Ellie christened, so that was good.

Things are coming along at the new house - the outside is in the early stages of being rendered, we are almost finished tiling the kitchen floor - having already done the utility and downstairs cloakroom. The cloakroom suite has all been fitted, the boiler is in and working, we also now have the luxury of running water - hot and cold! The first coat of colour has been done in our room and we are thinking, as the paint goes on so thickly, that it might actually only need one coat, which will save us some time as our room is enormous!

Our main priority during the next week is to do the final tiles in the kitchen, and grout what we've done. After this is done, we will paint the visible parts of the kitchen walls and only then can we start to build the kitchen cabinets and get them fitted. I can't wait to see the kitchen in place, it'll really start to feel like a home then!

We've got all the skirting and architrave arriving on Monday and so we'll need to get that all stained and fitted. Until that's been done, we can't fit our doors or carpets!!

As far as young Ellie goes, she's having a bit of a strange time of it of late. She is now very able to turn herself over onto her tummy from her back and does so very frequently. The problem with this is that she doesn't like being on her tummy but doesn't seem to be able to help herself rolling onto it! Once she is able to roll herself back this won't be an issue but it's certainly a pain until she does!

Ellie's two bottom front incisors are now peeking through so she is doing lots of gnawing and dribbling. She has a new favourite trick too - if one of us taps our finger on her mouth, she starts making a noise so that she sounds like a little kid pretending to be a Red Indian!

Right, I think that's the longest post I've written so I'll stop for now. We don't have any photos handy at the moment to post so it's a text only post I'm afraid!!

Friday 13 June 2008

Some house news

Well, today was a momentous day, Sam and I visited the house this evening to see that the final plastering had been completed in the living room. That's it, no more splatters up the walls, no more 'turds' of plaster lying around, no more damp sweaty rooms where the plaster hasn't dried, and no more bloody mess (inside at least). They have done a fantastic job and i'm very glad that they managed to do the whole job, after we were abandoned by our other plasterer.

Speaking of which, the reason we visited the house was because we were on our way to Ludlow to hand deliver the invoice to our other plasterer who now owes us back. When we got to Ludlow we bumped into a random stranger who asked if we were lost (we were doing a U-turn). I told him who I was after and he immediately asked me "does he owe you money?" How co-incidental, seems this isn't the first time the guy has pulled a trick like he did with us, oh well, four weeks and i can send a small claims court order to the nice man!

Mullins the plumbers have been doing an outstanding job. So far, in a week they have...

Plumbed the oil tank in
Installed the kitchen pipes
Installed an outside tap
Connected the blue water pipe from outside
Installed the upstairs bathroom bath, shower, basin and toilet
Installed the cloakroom toilet
Installed the boiler
Installed the utility room waste

And a whole host of other small little jobs. They are clean, conscientious, tidy, practical, polite and worth every penny so far! They also have some amazing tools!

I have been up there quite a bit recently to get work done to allow the trades to get their jobs done. I managed to paint a few walls with colour before the radiators were put on but a few bare plaster walls remain with nice shiny radiators affixed. The bathroom was completely painted before anything was fitted which is a bonus for us later and the cloakroom and utility were given their final coats of paint prior to anything being fitted. Unfortunately there are quite a few marks on the walls now, especially in the cramped cloakroom where a load pf plumbing was installed, but i'd rather touch a few small marks up than try and paint around a load of stuff.

Sam and I were up there the other night to get some tiles laid in order for the boiler to be installed on tiles. We we're pretty green when it came to floor tiles but with a bitumen paint layer followed by a latex screed layer we had a good base to go on. Sam applied a bond layer to the screed and we set about mixing the powdered quick set tile adhesive. It goes off quite quickly and we flapped around a bit just laying the first tile but we soon got back in to the swing of things and before long had a few down. We were also misled by a dodgy tile that seems to be a bit thinner than the others, or its neighbour is a bit thick, one or the other. This caused a minor panic but we soon realised that with a bit of grout they'll all be fine.

I went back the next night to get the rest of the cloakroom and utility done which was a tough job as i had to cut large notches out of two of the tiles where they went round a wall. All in all we are quite pleased with the tiles so far and we should make some good progress with the kitchen floor this weekend. We might even get to build some of the cabinets soon so that the plumbers can install the sinks and dishwasher, woo hoo!

On the outside more ground works have occurred. Our neighbours John and Jean who own the barn, and in fact who we bought then house from, have done quite a lot to their barn and the boundary with our house. They will be building a nice wall and fence along our driveway at a cost of £4,000 to them (phew). John also used his digger again to move a load of our hard standing material onto the track down to the fence so that number two has decent access for all the 16 tonne loads of stone that he is currently having delivered.

So, all in all a great deal has been done, at quite a pace. I even managed to dig two small trenches the other day and plant some Kimber bred french climbing and runner bean seeds. After all, we wouldn't want to be living there during bean season with none growing would we?

Onto some photos then...

Monday 2 June 2008

Belated Ellie Update

It's been a little while but we've all been so busy!

Here are Ellie's main achievements lately:

  • Two top molars have come through
  • Lots of hooting and general shouting
  • Lots of supported standing (looking very smug with herself)
  • Loads of sleeping through the night without a single interruption (she went 6.30pm to 8.30am the other day, with a "dream feed" to see her through)
  • Last lots of vaccinations until she's 1 (hurrah!)
  • Turning through 90 degrees in her cot most mornings (and doing some sleeping on her side)
I took Ellie back to the doctors last week as she still had a chesty cough. Previous docs had said it was just a cold but this doctor confirmed that it wasn't - it was bronchiolitis which is viral but they are able to treat it with antibiotics. Ellie is now sounding a lot better without her chest rattle but she did have a bad week of it with her poor tummy. The antibiotics didn't do her tummy much good at all - gave her the runs, which then resulted in terrible nappy rash. She stayed quite chipper throughout though.

All better now and she's a very happy little baby indeed. It's so lovely going in to her room in the morning and knowing you'll be greeted by a huge gummy grin, it really makes your heart swell with love!

We've borrowed Nicola's baby gym as Ellie was getting a bit bored with her old one and she lies on this one quite happily, having a jolly good shout and giggle at the toys on there.

Now for some photos...

Here's one of me, Ellie and the Gro on Jono's birthday last weekend. Considering how scared he used to be of children and babies before, Figaro has taken Ellie in his (3-legged) stride.

Here's Daddy and Ellie having a cuddle

Here's Ellie with Mamgu just before we left her in charge babysitting - look at that hair (that's Ellie's hair, not my mum's crazy barnet!)

And finally...the contender for "cutest baby photo in the world"...

What a beautiful little girl we created!

Friday 16 May 2008

A good ending to a bad situation.

Well, things at the house have been progressing quite well recently, despite quite a large setback in the form of the damp proof plasterer doing a runner on the job! He was due to return to the house to render and plaster all the downstairs walls that he had damp proof injected earlier. He did visit a month or so ago and I recall him being a bit jumpy about the amount of work to be done and the amount of money left to pay him. My builder and I are of the opinion that he invoiced me too much for the first half of the job so there ought to have been some money left there, to go towards the cost of the plastering but, he did a runner anyway! He hasn't answered a single phone call for over two weeks now so I had to write him a letter, sent recorded delivery, explaining that he left me no option but to get his work completed by another tradesman and that he would be receiving a bill from me for any overrun on cost, beyond the £910 I owe him.

It all sounds good in theory but we'll see how events pan out when the final bill comes in from my current plasterer.

Speaking of which he has done a sterling job upstairs and has diverted downstairs to get the render on some of the 'lumpy' walls so that it has time to dry before the next coat of render and then the plaster skim.

The kitchen and bathroom suites have arrived too so the living room is a bit of a store room for now.

Here is a load of photos showing lots of rooms in various states...

Week 18 - early morning domestic bliss

This was the view that I saw this morning as I went to hand my daughter over to Smee just as it was time for work.

A rare event indeed, and one to be cherished.

Wow, what a difference

Here is the first application of a bit of paint in the new gaff. Ellie's room was finished first as far as plastering goes and we are going to try and keep up with the plasterer as he goes from room to room. The third photo shows the landing cupboard that we made too, and a little bit of the corridor that will ultimately have a staircase going up to the loft. The cupboard could be quite handy for storing some of the stuff that is going to be delivered over the next few weeks.

Little miss - week 17 photo

This week 17 photo is a re-take of a previous photo from week 7, such a cutie.

Is the end in sight?

The builders and plasterers have started in earnest to put the house back together recently, here's a few photos showing the work upstairs, in the master bedroom, prior to main plastering...

Ellie's week 16 photo

On the May Bank Holiday weekend we went down to Urchfont for the Scarecrow Festival and visited Great Grandad for the first time. We met up with Katie and Sarah and saw loads of villagers who all wanted to say hello to Ellie for the first time but the main event was definitely a trip to see Fred...

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Ellie the mermaid!

On Sunday we had our first Waterbabies lesson at the hospital hydrotherapy pool. It was really lovely. The water was as warm as a bath, and it was nice and intimate - only 5 babies at a time. Ellie's boyfriend, Thomas, was part of our class too.

Ellie really loved being in the water - she was really relaxed and didn't cry once, not even after the periodic dunkings. I think it helped that since she was born we've been splashing water in her face so that doing her hair doesn't become an issue when she's older! We did lots of word association exercises which are designed primarily to get the babies to hold their breath before they go under water. We won't be doing any actual underwater swimming for quite a few lessons yet. so, all in all, a successful first swimming session. I'm looking forward to the next one, but not the getting dressed bit afterwards! Ellie really screamed her lungs out for that! She really does have an aversion to sleeves!

Here she is being all nice and relaxed whilst I float her along...

...and here she is after a dunking - as you can see, she's mostly concerned with getting her fist back into her mouth!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Can't wait to move in

Here is a quick photo showing the new house without it's old front porch. With a pebbledash top render (over the old render) and a bit of tidying up it'll look quite good I think.

Saturday 26 April 2008


Teeth eh? What a pain, quite literally. Ellie has had her hand stuck in her mouth pretty much continuously for the last week or two now. She's got about 4 teeth coming through now and they are causing her quite a bit of pain at times. It is only fitting that the photo I post for week 15 is one with her hand in or somewhere near her mouth and this one was taken just before bathtime ce soir.We had a pretty good Saturday, up early at 5 ish with intermittent grizzling and for the first time we had her in bed with us, in between the two of us for an extra hour and a half. Feeding hasn't gone particularly well today but it hasn't been too bad a day.

I mowed all the grass and hopefully if the weather is nice tomorrow we can take some replacement external photos of the house for the estate agent. There are quite a few nice flowers out now and the place looks quite good. I don't think it will do much good and we'll end up having to rent this place out but you never know?

Righto, dinner time!

Sunday 20 April 2008

A week 14 photo

Well, I'm here at the home computer sorting out some photos so here is a week 14 photo of our little girl. She's had a funny weekend, lots of everything, smiles, grizzling, kicking, hand in mouth, cooing at her toys and generally making sure we are aware of her every living second, which we are!!

The photo shows her sleeping with what might become one of her security things, a lovely little elephant blanket that a colleague of mine from France, Jean-Noel Lagier, got for her on a recent trip over from France. Cheers Jean-No.


Well, there were lots of us up at the house today. Myself, Smee, Ellie, Diane, Nicola, Shaun, Sophia and Isabel. I'm sure it would have been more productive to have left the kids at home but they did have fun hopping through the stud walls and generaly getting too close to the gaping hole in the side of the house where a 'naily and gnarly' fate awaits in the pile of debris.

We stripped 80% of the wallpaper off the walls to allow the plasterer to get on with plastering, not decorating! Speaking of which the plasterer has started to put the boards up and the downstairs toilet, utility, kitchen and porch area and mostly done. We now finally have some new rooms, hoorah! They all still need plastering of course but once the boards are up (including insulation) we will really see a big difference.

Hopefully this week there will be a delivery from TP (blocks, lintels, plaster, bead and a few other bits and pieces), the damp proof plasterer will start, our plasterer will really get going and the two doorways that we don't want will be bricked up. Add to that the bricks that need to be put around the window apertures and we have a busy, productive and costly week!

Yesterday I went to Ikea at around 10pm to take advantage of their '21st birthday in the UK ' offer which was a 21% discount on everything, including the kitchen we wanted.

If you look below you will see a post describing our glee at finding the Ikea kitchen at a very reasonable price a month or so ago. I was ultra delighted to discover the 21% offer a few weeks ago on the internet in a money saving forum and waited until yesterday to cash in. All in all we spent about £2500 on a £3200 kitchen that we already thought was excellent value! It was a bit of a nightmare at Ikea, I have never seen so many cars in the car park, especially at 10pm. But, an hour and a half later I was all done and I even managed to get soem stuff for Nicola too.

Right, that's all for now, more photos to be added next week I hope.

Congrats to the Waltons who just announced the arrival of Evie Grace.

Friday 18 April 2008

Ellie stuff

Our little girl is growing so fast - she's now well into her 3-6 month clothes, I can't quite believe it. We got given some 3-6 months clothes when she was born and I remember thinking she'd never fit into them! Here she is in her lovely knitted suit from Auntie Angela...

We had our NCT reunion a week or so ago and finally managed to get a picture of all 6 babies together - in date order too! Here they all are...Thomas, the youngest, is on the left, then Ellie, Stirling, Sophie, Georgie and Lucy. There is 10 weeks between Thomas and Lucy. Thomas and Ellie are holding hands, it's so cute!!

Ellie and I have a pretty hectic time of it at the moment. Mondays we have Baby Bookworms, Tuesdays my sister often visits, Weds is Mini Music (when we make it!) and Ellie's weigh in (with a visit to Mamgu afterwards), Thursdays we have either BURPS or Bumps and Babes (where we meet up with our usual gang). Fridays are pretty much our only free day! I am only going to take Ellie to be weighed once a month from now on, so that'll help I think.

I've just bought Ellie some scrumptious new pocket nappies - a particular type of reuseable nappy where you "stuff" the pocket full of booster pads, and it's ready to go - the outer part is plastic backed so that you don't need a wrap over the top. Once you've pre-stuffed the nappies after washing, they are as ready to go as a disposable. One of them is covered in a really soft and cuddly fabric. I'll have to get a photo of her in it, it's adorable!

Wednesday 16 April 2008

The windows

Well, the windows and doors are in - all of them! Some great, some not so great but ultimately, they are all going to be good and we're very happy. The install so far has been a bit of a hit and miss affair, not quite like any ordinary installation due to the slightly decrepit and bent nature of the house! The patio doors are cool, the front stable door is even better and the new dining room window makes it a very light room now. The problems that we have suffered revolve around the brickwork in the back of the house not being perfectly level due to the movement the whole house has suffered from. The bedroom 3 window is half a bubble out on the spirit level yet it is the kitchen window that looks out of horizontal! This is also due to the fact there was no lintel above the kitchen window and a lot of the brickwork sank and sagged. To end it all we are currently having it all patched back up and the builder may try and use some skinny bricks to try and blend it all back in. Ultimately I think it is going to look weird regardless of the remedies we try, but that is the nature of the beast I suppose?