Wednesday 22 October 2008

Breaking News!

Ellie has a little brother or sister on the way!

We had our 12 week scan today and everything seemed to be fine. There was only one baby (phew!!) and it appeared to have two arms and two legs as well as a head, so that's ok too. It was the world's fastest scan though, Jono and I felt a bit cheated really - Ellie's 12 week scan we were in there for about 45 mins, rather than the 5 mins maximum today.

I'll put the scan photos up once Jono's managed to work out how to make the PC upstairs share with my laptop -it doesn't want to play with mine anymore :-(

Official due date is 4th May, so I'm expecting something more along the lines of 10th - 13th May, as my family are always late with their babies!

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