Saturday 29 March 2008

Catching Up

Well, as Jono says, we are a bit behind on Ellie updates but I'll try to redress that!

She's now 11 weeks old and growing fast, as babies are wont to do! She has been very good at going to bed at 7pm, having a change and feed at 10.30m and then sleeping through until 7am. She's most definitely dropped her middle of the night feed. Some mornings though she wakes at about 5am and wants to get up then, which isn't too pleasing for her poor parents!

The last few nights Ellie has been very reluctant to go to bed at 7pm and has literally screamed the house down until we've brought her back downstairs. It isn't that she's hungry or even that she wants a cuddle, she just isn't ready to go to sleep. Once she's on her play-mat she's perfectly content to play for an hour or so before she's put to bed again. Strange child!

Ellie is getting very good at reaching for things now. We need to get a photo or video of her playing with the butterflies on her play-mat. She reaches out and strokes them, then gives them a good bash with her fist! She hasn't quite worked out how to grab them yet but she does hold onto things like her bibs and the blankets when they arrive in her hand.

Here's a pick of her at 9 weeks...

She's having a good nap in her Moses basket, which she isn't going to fit in for much longer!

Here's Ellie at 10 weeks, having a good splash in the bath with me...she loves having baths with us because they are deeper and she can float and have a good kick.

Here she is again, just after her bath, having a look at her teddies with her head up. She doesn't really like being on her tummy much but it's supposed to be good for babies to do it in order to develop their neck and shoulder muscles. Try telling Ellie that!!

Here's one last photo of our little bean, just over 11 week old. She looks so adorable in her fluffy coat with ears on!!

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